Friday, October 22, 2010

blank notecard sets

Happy Friday! I'm sharing with you today some of the blank, all-purpose note card sets that can be found for sale locally at La Bella Mela boutique.

I used either rub-ons or my Cricut to create the designs on the cards. It's a fairly quick and easy card set to make and would be a great stocking stuffer for the holidays! I know... can you believe we're talking stocking stuffers?

I hope everyone has plans for a great weekend. I am heading to a crop tonight, and I'll be taking one friend with me and meeting some Facebook friends in-person for the first time. So excited! I have plans to make 3 pages. Let's see if I can do that in 4 hours. :)

What does everyone else have planned? Have a great weekend!


Mary Pat Siehl said...

cute designs! i will be pricing my "old" scrap stuff to sell at my lss garage sale

Sharla said...

Cute idea..and nope, I can't believe we have to start thinking about stocking stuffers, or anything else Christmas related! ACK!

Jingle said...

These are fantastic! I love this idea!

Steph said...

Great card set! Love the big ribbon with the tag.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! LOVE THEM! The simple designs are fabby! But you know what caught my eye? Your uber cute logo tag! What a perfect idea! Is The "design by Diana" a stamp? You totally inspire girl!

Becky Moore said...

Cute card sets!

bethchien said...

babe...those are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM!

Janet's Joy said...

Simple yet elegant! Love them Diana.

Unknown said...

Love the cards!!! Good luck with your 3 layouts tonight. Can't wait to see them. My plans include scrapping with a friend at my house Sat. night and the pumkpin patch on Sunday. Can't wait!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh these are GORGEOUS Diana!!! And hehehehehehehehe... let's just say "i love u"....and thanks for the text tonight! hehehehehehehehhe :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Heather said...

Oh those are super duper cute! And I love the way you dressed them up with the cute ribbong & tag!

EverydayMe said...

these are just too sweet!!
{{hugs}} Michelle