Monday, July 19, 2010

making cards lately

Hi all! I have been on a bit of a card making binge, so here's one of my recent favorites. It was a custom card made for a customer of La Bella Mela Boutique—the local shop that carries my cards.

There will be one new mama to twin boys that receives this card.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend! I made a day trip to Ohio for a family reunion beach picnic. Nate battled the waves of Lake Erie for the first time and he loved it! I wish I could have bottled his laughter and yelling. He was so excited, it was funny.

Have a great week everyone!


Jingle said...

This is so stinking cute!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the card...and man, do I miss my days at Lake Erie....and the Finger Lakes....and Niagara Falls....and and lol lol lol! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Kristina said...

Wonderful card! So wish I would have known you were in Ohio, you could have come visit me (OK so I don't live anywhere near the lake, but I AM in Ohio none the less ;) )

Tracy said...

Ohh this card is so adorable. Love those little onesies. Those colours are so soft, its perfect.

Keshet said...

Cute card! So sweet!

Mary Hamer said...

Awww that is precious!!! Love the softness of it!

Lea said...

Oh, how cute!!! Love the clouds and the little bird, such nice touches.

Anonymous said...

Awww! So cute! Love the patterns!

Unknown said...

Very cute! Love the onesies!!!

Blessed Ladybug said...

very nice card.. love the colors...

heidi said...

how CUTE is this??!!