Wednesday, September 29, 2010

whatcha addicted to wednesday?

Is there something you buy over and over again? I have been buying up all of these Jolee's 3-D Stickers (EK Success) clouds. No foolin'. I literally take the whole stack that's available at any craft store when I see them.

And the proof... probably 5 out of 7 projects lately have these clouds added in. I just love how fluffy and versatile they can be! In fact, 2 of the 4 projects I made last night have clouds! (What's wrong with me, LOL??!!)

I had to make this more cost effective than $2 every time I wanted to add clouds to a project or page, so I had to spend more than that to get set up. (LOL) I recently bought a Big Shot (yay!) and then I followed that purchase up with this die set from PaperTrey Ink.

I just love it! And now I can cut felt clouds to my heart's content. It takes a few passes through the Big Shot to cut the felt, but the clouds look great.

What are you addicted to right now?! I'd love to hear about it!!


Dana Tatar said...

I LOVE clouds too! I'm also big on hot air balloons.

Diana said...

I love clouds too. I bought a Slice design card just for the cloud shape. I wonder if it can cut through felt... hmmm, felt clouds would look great on a LO.
My addiction is to Bo Bunny double dot paper. I collect it in as many colours as I can find. It is great as backing cardstock. The colours are beautiful and the little dots add a little something extra.

Jingle said...

I am SO with you on the clouds! My other thing lately has been all things Halloween!

A Sarasota said...

how happy!!

Leah l'Orange said...

i LOVE the clouds, and you rock them whenever you use 'em, so i say USE MORE! :)

i'm obsessed with punching everything lately. i see a border punch on sale, i have to grab it. most of my projects lately have been punched!

Lea said...

Those are really great clouds though!!! If I see a sale on brads, I have to buy them. You can never have too many brads. My mist collection is also becoming a bit out of control! Oh and circle, scalloped or flower punches... I want more and more!!!

Anonymous said...

I just got a couple things from there and had that in my cart then put it back... then put it back in... then put it back. Now I wish I had totally gotten it sigh. I am totally into my nesties! I'm blaming Leah.

Janet's Joy said...

Good idea to buy a die set!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh me loves clouds too!!!!!!!! LOVING those sneaks...and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my heart will ALWAYS be ONE with the CIRCLES!! And not the crop kind!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

EverydayMe said...

thanks for the info... love clouds... but hate cutting them out... will have to go check that out... thanks!!! addicted to... cards I've been making a slew of them... don't know why just have!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle

Amanda Sevall said...

Yay for cloud dies!! LOL I'm thinking of making a cloud stamp on my new Teresa Collins Stamp Maker... hmmm.... I'll have to let you know how that experiment goes!! ;)