Friday, September 17, 2010

happy day!

What good is a blog if you can't talk about yourself, huh?! Nothing scrappy to share with you today, but it is my anniversary, so I feel compelled to share pics with you.

Six years ago today I married Brad. It was such a fun party!

And here we are this summer. :) Everything is completely different from where it was six years ago. Crazy how that can happen. Not one thing is the same, and in such a short time!

And the best part is this little man! (What would this post be without a picture of Nate, right?)

OK, thanks for listening to me ramble and looking at my pictures. Have a nice Friday and hope the weekend brings great things for you!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Diana! I can just see how happy you are in those pics THAT doesn't look like its changed one bit :)

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

Happy anniversary!! I just LOVE love!! Hope you had a fabulous day!

Stacey said...

Happy Anniversary!!

heidi said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY chickie!!!!!!! Love your wedding dress & hair!!! So cute!

sarah said...

awww! happy anniversary. :)

Natalie said...

congratulations on 6 years! wonderful!

Diana Waite said...

Congrats to you!!

Darlene S. said...

You guys look so cute and happy! :) Congratulations! :)

EverydayMe said...

congrats... and totally know what you mean... nothing is the same... things change... but the best part is the little ones... happy anniversary.... {{hugs}} Michelle

Amanda Sevall said...

Happy anniversary!! :) We just celebrated our 5th last Friday. I totally know what you mean about not one thing being the same... funny how that happens!! :)