This picture is from Dress-Up Day at school last month. A local photo place comes in with costumes and the kids dress-up and they take their photos. It's a fundraiser for the school.
I love my little karate-chop action figure! You know the pictures from this day are definitely going to make it into a layout very soon!
Teeeee!!! He looks adorable!
such a cutie!!!! he looks like a natural!
AWWW he is such a cutie, love the pose and the outfit!
CUUUUUUUUTE!!!!! i totally see this on a layout!
hahahhaa! Greatest pose EVER!! What a cutie!
how fun is that??!! (and i SWEAR it was JUST wordless wednesday, wasn't it??!!)
omygosh!!! tooooooooooooooo flippin' cute! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Awww....so CUTE!!! The pose and his expression are priceless :)
he was really getting into his photo shoot. Tooo Cute.
awwww Diana!! He is soooo adorable!!!
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