Thursday, March 11, 2010

peep... peep, peep

Nate and I were walking through Wegmans (our local grocery store, which is awesome, by the way) a few weeks ago and they had the Easter candy stocked. Nate was instantly drawn to the brightly colored Peeps. They now come in every neon color you can think of, so of course a toddler was attracted to them.

Feeling sentimental towards the Peeps, I let him pick out a color and off we went on our way. When we got home, he had to have one right away, and I grabbed the camera. He was OK with it at first, and then had to throw the other half away. I think they were too sweet for him.

That didn't stop him from eating half of a few more over the course of the next few days. He's so silly. I can't tell if he likes them or not. I do. His dad doesn't. So, I can see him swaying either way. For right now, he'll just continue to take a bite and be done with it.

This page is made for the newest Sketchy Thursdays challenge using the latest Studio Calico kit. Click here to see the next sketch and meet this week's sponsor, Sweet Twee. Cute, cute stuff there!!

This page is also for The Studio 3/7 challenge:
Scrap a page and include on it some memorabilia from the time you are scrapping about!

I hope you'll head over there and play along. I have been MIA from that site for too long, but this challenge spoke to me. I knew I had saved the package from the Peeps knowing I would make this page. (Great timing, Amanda, you must have been reading my mind!) And I miss my Studio friends.

Thanks for stopping by!! :)


Jingle said...

This is so stinking adorable!!! I love peeps. Peeps make me happy and little kids with peeps make me really happy!

Tracy said...

Love your layout. I too love me some peeps.

Renee Lamb said...

Aaack! this is such an awesome layout! Love the colors and papers and the story behind it! And I totally relate to Mr. Nate...I can handle one bite before I feel like my teeth are going to rot out of my head! LOL -- but they are good that first bite!

Unknown said...

this is an awesome LO, I think it's my favorite of yours... I love all the colors and how you used the "peeps" from the package... and who can resist that lil cutie eatin' peeps!?!


lisa said...

Cute LO. Love what you did with the ribbon and pins. I'm not sure if I like Peeps either. I like the texture, but bit too sweet. My Dad send over an Easter package every year from USA and it always includes Peeps : ) xx

sarah said...

you just reminded me of wegmans!!! :) i LOVE that grocery store! seriously, it's awesome. it has everything plus more! :) i go there everytime i'm visiting the east coast. :)

anyway, i need to check out ST. :)


Marlene said...

LOVE the peeps layout!!! That's stinkin' adorable!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love the Peeps! Love how silly he is! I gotta say I can't pull off a whole one either. Love the Cherry Delicious I spot on there! Whole thing: FAB!

BTW... YOU are super! Seriously seriously SUPER!

A Sarasota said...

Adorable LO of Nate! We love to play with peeps here too. We don't like to eat them either!

Mimi said...

I always thought Wegman's was a drugstore, huh.
And, I LOVE Peeps, and love the layout. Good job!

Pearl said...

wow ! this is a fab layout with the new Sass ! & I loveee the ribbon flower here ! I gotta try it sometime too !!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

*sigh* i miss wegman's :)
*sigh* i need to teach nate that peeps are the best thing since sliced bread :)
*sigh* i love peeps even more now that they are available EVERY holiday...even july 4th :)
*sigh* I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee this lo! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Wati Basri said...

this is sooo the colours :)

Kim said...

cute page and cute story about the peeps :)
my hubby loooooooooooves them... and so does our younger son... older son and I both think they are yuck-o! :)

heidi said...

love all the embellies on this page. yum! and i remember having loved peeps all my life and then trying them again with the first kids' Easter basket a few years back and thinking they were too sweet! i will still eat a stale, hard one, though. mm mm. did you see they now have chocolate covered ones, too? that's just going too far.

Unknown said...

Oh my... peeps are made right down the road from me! { I don't like them though...} anyway, I love this layout!!! It is fabulous... love all the embellishments!!!

Brenda said...

awww look at his lil face!!! Ohhhh great layout too!