Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sketchy Thursdays and Iron Man

It's Thursday, which means another Sketchy Thursdays sketch challenge and reveal page. As well as another chance to win. This week you have a chance at winning a $20 gift certificate to the Paper Maniac store. Who wouldn't want to win that?!

Heidi made another great sketch this week. Make sure you're stopping by ST to see the sketch, the DT reveal pages and also the details about the prize giveaway from Paper Maniac.

Not much explanation to this page—it's Halloween. :) Although, Nate does wear this costume at least five times a week, even as we're nearing Christmas already. Silly boy! He loves his dress up!!

Thanks for reading my blog today, and hope to see you over at Sketchy Thursdays this week!!


Jingle said...

This is such a cute page and the photos are even cuter!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeee this! Those photos are cuteeeeee and loving the bats! :):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

He's adorable! My Dude has an Iron Man mask and all of a sudden I turn my head and am staring at Iron Man lol. They think its funny to say "Hey Iron Man! Where's Kenton?" Gotta love dress up! Awesome sketch this week! I heart the bats!

Sue Althouse said...

Very cute layout! Love that he wears the costume more than once! Thanks for your comment on my blog.

Stephanie said...

This layout is wonderful!! I love everything about it!!

Doreen Vasquez said...

Cute costume and layout! I love all the colors w/the diagonal B&W patterned paper thrown into the mix!

Janet's Joy said...

Cute layout Diana!

Keshet said...

Love this, great colors!! My white pen is a Uniball Signo--I also tried a lot before I found this one, and I just love it!

EverydayMe said...

how cute is he!!!! I love this lo... it's such a fun halloween lo... great job! {{hugs}} Michelle