Wednesday, November 18, 2009

reality vs. perception

The next Get Meaningful Prompt #27 is ready for you today! The idea is to think back on a situation where after-the-fact your perception versus the reality of what happened was completely different. I'm sure we've all had those moments when we are in the thick of things we can't see the forest for the trees.

I chose to make a page about having Nate. The idea to have a baby seemed all well and good until I had to raise him! As mothers, I'm sure we have all been there where we say, "Wow, this is a tough job!" My choices for him now are so much larger than the initial fleeting thought on whether or not we were ready to have him in our family.

(And don't you just love "lil Nate" in the picture? He was adorable from day one! In this picture he was only 3-4 months old, I believe. )

I used some more of my Lil Scrappin Mama kit for this. That Nov. kit is so darn versatile! I never get tired of using it. (Do you have one yet? Hurry up....) Thanks for stopping by!!


A Sarasota said...

Love the star mobile!!! And he's so cute...

Anonymous said...

Ok seriously Diana... THAT RAWKS! It screamed at me from the tiny thumbnail! Amazin!

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me!!! I have just one word for this LO...FABULOUS!... and I love how you made a little mobile.

Jingle said...

I love your page! I'm jealous that I didn't think to cut those starts out! LOL! It looks SO good!

heidi said...

This is probably one of my fave l/o's of yours ever.

Wati Basri said...

love this girl...great colours :)