Tuesday, November 10, 2009

i hope he always believes

Here's my page for the Nov. 1st challenge at The Studio. You had to:
  1. Use the sketch provided (by Sketchy Thursdays)
  2. Your layout and journaling should be based on something you hope or wish for
  3. Use glitter in some way on your page
My page is about how I hope Nate always believes in the power of super heroes. The pictures are from when he got his new Spider Man pjs and he thought he could run faster, jump higher and be stronger. The Spider Man statue is from the Strong National Museum of Play display in the new Marvel wing. So very cool!!

And where, you may ask, are all of these great supplies from?! Lil Scrappin Mama kit club, of course!! I got my kit this weekend and it is chock full of great stuff. I love the Bella Blvd. and Sassafras Lass goodies that are in there.

I've made 2 other pages with the kit that you'll see for my Get Meaningful page this week as well as my Sketchy Thursdays page. Make sure you check back! This kit is quite versatile!


Brenda said...

awww Diana I LOVE this You did an awesome job!!! Nate is so lucky to have you as a mommie and will cherish all these memories.

heidi said...

What a COOL page!! Love all the little elements!

Jingle said...

This is a great layout! Love how you used the kit for this!

Anonymous said...

Awesome boy page...you always give me such good idea...:)

3treescreations@gmail.com said...

Great LO Diana - I love how you grouped everything together!!


A Sarasota said...

Nice page, love the bright red neg space!! and the felty buttons, are they your Etsy?

Anonymous said...

Love it Diana! DS was obsessed with spiderman for a while too :) boys are funny!

The Studio by Amanda Jones said...

This is really cool, Diana! I love how you've used the kit and all the little bits and pieces!

A xxx

sarah said...

GORGEOUS layout, diana! :) the colors rock!


Cindy Groh said...

Love your LO. Geat job.