Sunday, February 28, 2010

scrapbook circle march kit and a little dollie

Over the next few days, I'm going to share with you the loveliness that is the Scrapbook Circle March kit. WOW is all I can say!! There are great colors, fabulous extras and the some of the best new products out there jam packed in this kit!

I made this page using the Design Dollies sketch for this past week. Head on over and check it out!! Those girlies know what they are doing over there. Great inspiration!

The little princess in this picture is my best friend's youngest daughter. She just had her second birthday and this was from her dancing around at her party in her new tutu. So cute!!

I love the way the burlap from the Scrapbook Circle March kit contrasts the girlie-girl of the tutu and costume jewelry.

The kit goes on sale March 1!! Scoop it up, you won't be disappointed!!


heidi said...

awesome! yep...lookin like i'm gonna want that one! you know me!!

sarah said...

the burlap on this one looks fantastic!!! :) i've got some too, i just haven't used it up yet. thanks for the inspo!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

holy smokes diana!!! this is gorgeous!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that photo!!!! BEAUTIFUL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Diana Waite said...

This is beautiful! I've got part of a layout on my desk, I need to finish it, thanks for the inspiration!

Vel said...

Love this lo! Love the negative space.

Tessa Buys said...

Okay, you did it! I caved. I'm now a Scrapbook Circle subscriber :).

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Beautiful take Diana!!! I am so freakin honored when you RAWK my sketches! Thanks for playin with us MWAH!

MommyScraps said...

GORGEOUS job Diana!!! Wow, Kristy's right... you RAWKED the sketch!!! Geez... YOU are inspirational!!!