Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ahhhh, love this boy!

Finally, I got to play along with some of my favorite challenges! And this is a "pile it on" page. The title and prompt inspiration comes from Scrap That Poetry's newest challenge: Ah, Yes! Love! (A very sweet poem, go over and read it.)

The sketch comes from my girl Kristy over at Design Dollies. Love this sketch! Click on over there and get inspired by the Dollies!!

The color challenge is from If The Shoe Fits...Scrap It! (My old stomping ground... miss you girls!) They want to see red, white and pink. I put the three of those in there and then threw in the orange on account of Nate being a boy. I think it makes the red, pink and white more subtle once you throw in that fourth color.

Most of these papers and such came from the February Studio Calico kit. I threw in the Smooch Spritz, some of the flowers, the journal spot and the black lettering from my stash. If you haven't been to Michael's recently, the one near my work just put out the new K&Co. stuff for the Designer's Corner area. I picked up the black letters and the flowers there. They are super cute in person.

Thanks for stopping by! I am blogging over at the Scrapbook Circle blog today. I'm talking about bending the rules over there (you'll see...)!


Anonymous said...

I love those hearts Diana! And great colors too:) Thanks for playing with us over at STP!! Love, Jess

Bonita Rose said...

what a beautiful layout.. wow.. u are so talented! love it!

Jingle said...

Very nice page! I love the stitched hearts!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

eeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkk!!! i love love love this!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee those photos and those stitched hearts....off to check out your post! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Tessa Buys said...

I love the orange! You're right - it's the perfect way to keep a lovey-dovey layout still feeling boyish. I wish I lived near a Michaels again :(. Great layout :).

Shell said...

lovely layout - and don't you love Smooch Spritz - the new colours out are FAB-U-LOUS

Anonymous said...

You are awesome Diana!!! Love your take on the sketch and the hearts are just super!!! You my girl! Woot! Thanks for playin with us again!

Unknown said...

Absolutely lovely. I love the use of white space. I love the glimmer mist and those hearts!! Amazing! thanks for playing along at STP!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it as always! The orange is the perfect touch! You rawk, thanks for playing with us dollies!!

sarah said...

i was meaning to tell you... thanks so much for reminding me about the Sfreak sketches. heheh. i got to work on them last night! :)

love this layout -- all the hearts make me happy! yay for hearts!


glorygirl said...

What sweet, sweet photos! Thanks for playing along at Scrap That Poetry!

heidi said...

seriously awesome

lesleyworth said...

love the color combo! adorable LO! thanks for playing along with us (we miss you too) at the Shoe!

Unknown said...

this is so cute diana! and we miss you too!!! so glad to see you playing along with us still! hugs!

Kim said...

yummy!! this is so cute, Diana! love the spritz and the stitched hearts! thanks for playing with STP for this one!