Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Love" my Cricut

I broke out the Cricut a few weekends ago and made some cards. I'm a big fan of the Sweethearts cartridge, which is where these cutie die cuts came from.

Too cute, huh?! Maybe I've inspired you to dust off the ol' Cricut or die cutter. Can't wait to see what you make! :)

With the new Cricut magazine out there, who knows ... maybe you can answer a few calls for publication with what you make!

Thank you for all of the well-wishes yesterday about my back. The spasms have stopped (thank goodness) but now I'm left with a sore, achy feeling. I'm taking it easy and hope to get back to crafting soon. It's been too many days since I sat in my lovely green crafting chair. Nearly a whole week, actually. Yikes!

Thanks for stopping by today!! :)


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Yikes! That is a long time for you to be away from the chair!! I loveeeee this card!! Toooooooooooo cute cute cute! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Jingle said...

This is super cute! I love it!

Pam said...

I almost bought that cartridge. Now I wish I would have. Great card! TFS!

Danielle said...

Really cute card!

Angi Barrs said...

Adorable. I need to try making something with that cartridge. :)

Lea said...

This card is just lovely! Not a word I use in conversation but just perfect in this case :) Love the black and gray in contrast with the pink base.

Tenia Nelson said...

This is very cool!!

Cathy... said...

This is TOO cute!!

Anonymous said...

Cute card. Back pain stinks, I bent my head down to kiss my dog, she popped her head up and I jerked up and threw my back out for a month!! Something that dumb hurt sooo bad. Hope you feel better soon.

EverydayMe said...

too too sweet... that car is fab!!! wonderful card! hope by now you're feeling better... back pain isn't fun... I was laid up for a week last time... my friend came over and show me exactly where to put the ice... and made sure to tell me NO HEAT... and within hours I was up and around... it's amazing how knowing the right info can make it things all better... Hope all is well!!! {{big hugs}} Michelle