Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Oh, how I love bird cages

These lovely little cages were for sale over the holidays at Michael's. I scooped up quite a few and am down to the last of my stash. I only have a red one and a yellow one left after these two. Then I'll be on the look out again for more wherever I can find them.

Every little pink birdie needs a yellow birdie friend, right?

So, I have a question for those of you familiar with Reindeer Moss. How long does it stay green? Does it ever fade? Dry out? This stuff is amazing for the bottom of the cages, but I've never used it before and was curious if it needs any kind of tending to or replaced after a certain period of time.

I used distressing ink with the Bazzill Dotted Swiss paper to make the tags from a Papertrey Ink die and stamp set that I have. Just love the extra little touches!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I hope you like my little birdies. I just adore them!!


Jocelyn said...

I love Bird Cages tooooo!!! You did a Fabulous Job with these!!!

Thanks for sharing and have a great day!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Hmmmmmmmmm....I'm not sure on the moss...sorry! I love love love love what you have done with these cages those!!! Sooooooooooo CUTEEEEEEEEEE! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

AWWW! I ADORE them! fabulous job!

Scrappington said...

those are just fun. wow.
I really like them

Jingle said...

These are SO cute!!! I love bird cages, too!

Danielle said...

These are adorable! I think it is cute that the pink birdie needed a friend. I would think the moss will be fine for a few years, then maybe need to be changed.

byondbzr said...

Those are beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Angi Barrs said...

Oh wow....Gorgeous. Altered projects are my fave. Love the crinkled ribbon too. :)

hilde janbroers said...

those are amazing!!! soooo cute!

Emily D. said...

These are super duper cute. From what I know about the moss, it does fade out after a few years, but that's it. I still have some projects that my grandma made with the same moss. It doesn't look bad... just old.

lauren bergold said...

omg! you're right! that's the same bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! toooooooooooo funnnnnnny! ♥♥♥ want to see something EVEN FUNNIER??!?! i got one of THOSE CAGES too!!!!!! (

these are ♥ADORABLE♥ btw...but then...i WOULD say that since apparently we buy *ALL* the same things at michaels!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

ps: my mom has made things using that moss and i suppose, yeah, it has *FADED* over's now more of an olive green...but it has not disintegrated or anything, it just looks mellower.

Amanda Sevall said...

These are adorable Diana!!! :)

Brenda said...

WOW your blog is soooo beautiful.....and I love your bird cages...I have used the reindeer moss for years in my stained glass gardens I make.. it really holds up nice loosing just a little color...I love using it.

EverydayMe said...

seriously 'tweet'!!! {{hugs}} Michelle

Rachel D said...

These are too cute!