Saturday, February 5, 2011

A little love for February

I love hearts. I'm also a big fan of pink, red and even some orange thrown in. So, February is a great month for me. I don't have to make excuses for loving these colors and putting hearts on everything.

I am also a fan or re-purposing old frames and digging for treasure at Marshall's, Goodwill and antique stores. I found this frame at Goodwill and scooped it up knowing I'd think up a project for it.

I made this frame for a few different challenges. I used the Card Sketch #3 at Sketch Support. I also used the color challenge at colourQ challenge #70.

So I gotta know—Are you a big fan of February? I'd love to see your LOVE projects. Link 'em up in my comments section so I can visit you.

**Don't forget the $10 store credit to Scrapbook Circle I have to give away in this post here. You have until Monday to comment.**


Anonymous said...

WOW! That is lovely Diana! What a great find at GW! Ours never has nice frames it seems lol! I've got one love project I love :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

ahem... yeahhhhhhh... you should hold onto this for just one more challenge... that's all I'm saying! LOL!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee it!! LOVING all the buttons!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Arielle H Gordon said...

Gorgeous!!!! I wanna make one now - lol!!! Thanks so much for playing along with us @ colourQ, Diana, I just love your work!

Pam said...

That is sooo pretty! I love it! A creative way to turn someone's trash into a treasure. TFS!:-)

Angi Barrs said...

I love altered projects. Yours is stunning. Love the buttons. :)

hilde janbroers said...

beautiful project!!

Michelle-Jersey Girl said...

This is just adorable. What a creative idea...the Colour Q colors are perfect.

Jingle said...

Oh, my goodness, this is so fabulous! Love it!

DebW said...

That is FABULOUS! Love the clouds! What a great project!

Diana Waite said...

this is FUN! I'm leaving it up so that my daughter and i can recreate this! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Sylvia said...

This is beautiful Diana! I love the buttons. I have wanted to do a frame for awhile, but was going to use roses. I must take time to do a framed piece, yours looks so lovely! Thanks for playing the ColourQ challenge this week!

Amanda Profumo said...

This is so cute! Besides Halloween, Valentines Day is my fave! I love pink and red and hearts and glitter... it's so girly! Your project is darling!

Rochelle said...

This is super cute and I love that is is a frame too! I like February, because it's my birthday and my husband and I's anniversary month! :) Thanks for playing with us at the colourQ!

savvy teaching tips said...

Wow this project is fabulous. Thanks for playing with us at the Colour Q.

Blessed Ladybug said...

wow that is so nice.. thansk for sharing....I might make something like that for my sweetie.. Happy VDAY... sweets....Stay Blessed...

LeAnne said...

Love this---so fun & fresh! Thanks for using the CQC colors, too!

heidi said...

ok, so totally love this. (of course, there are clouds, too, LOL!)

Keshet said...

This is adorable, Diana!

Om oss said...

wow,this is a wondeful card, LOVE the buttons. Thank you for the inspiration!!

Sharon Wheet said...

Diana, I just want to let you know that I love your button heart! I too, am a fan of hearts and pink! I love what you had done. Its perfect in a frame instead of a card front! Clever girl!

EverydayMe said...

soooooo love this... it's a beautiful way to use buttons... love it! {{hugs}} Michelle