Wednesday, December 9, 2009

my wonderful wednesday news

I am one of the newest DT members for Scrapbook Circle! They have a wonderful kit club, blog, community, Facebook fan page... awesome stuff!!! And I am now happily a part of the team!!! So excited!

Congrats to
Aymee Gandy and Jillian Deiling for also being chosen (along with veteran DT members Diana and Jennie staying on).

It looks like there are still a few December kits available, so head on over and scoop one up if you are in need of scrapping those wonderful holiday moments! This is the perfect kit for it!

And thanks again to Scrapbook Circle for choosing me, I am so excited!!! :)


Jessica Wilson said...

OH, Congrats, Diana!!! THe kit looks gorgeous:) They got a great girl! You are just rocking the scrapbooking world. I can't wait to get back into things, but it will be after the first of the year. I've just got too much going on at home right now. I am in awe at how you do it all! Have a great Christmas! Love, Jess

bethchien said...

that kit looks scrumptious! I will make sure I am a FB fan!
Love love love your work. you always inspire me! and you so deserve this!
(I hope both of ours works out this time. lol)

A Sarasota said...

Congrats, Diana! You deserve the accolades!

Tessa Buys said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting!

Leah l'Orange said...

dahlink, that's fantastic, CONGRATULATIONS!! the kit looks fabulous, and i can TOTALLY see you using that stuff and rocking it!

woo hoo!

tina said...

congratulations! how very exciting for you and your DT friends! Yay!

sarah said...

a big congrats to you!!!! :) can't wait to see what you make with their kits! :)


jennifer said...

Congrats, how exciting for you!!

lisa said...

Congratulations Diana. Really pleased for you xx

Katie said...

Congrats to you Diana!!!

Brittney said...

Congrats, Diana =)

Diana Waite said...

Congradulations! I'm looking forward to working with you!
The other Diana! :O)

heidi said...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! Doesn't it seem like we keep announcing "exciting news" around the same time?? I swear we're connected. ;oD

Anonymous said...

Congrats Diana! You are too awesome for them to pass up!!!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!! Soooooooooooooooooo HAPPY FOR U!!! CONGRATS!!! And I love love love jilly too!!! Her and i are friends IRL!!! *sigh* just just just sooooooooooooo HAPPY FOR U! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Unknown said...

aww, Julie Tucker is so sweet, I just read her last comment, lol!!
I love your work, love your blog! I'm so looking forward to working with you! I have a three year old son as well, wish we lived closer so our boys could play together while we scrapped!! lol!!

Brenda said...

I am sooo happy for you Diana they are going to be so blessed to have you on their team! CONGRATS!!!