Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas memories for Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Today I'm sharing with you my latest Sketchy Thursdays page. And don't fret... it isn't really a double page layout. I just decided to go all out and make 2 pages using the same sketch.

And it is a FAB sketch too! Make sure to head on over to Sketchy Thursdays to see the sketch and meet a brand new sponsor. I'm sure we'll all find some quiet time this week to whip up a quick page, right?! :)

These pages were made with the December Scrapbook Circle kit, which goes on sale Dec. 1. And boy... will you want this one!

There is such variety in this next kit. If you like pink, red, black... bright colors, muted colors... classic or fun patterns. Either way you trend for the holidays, this kit has it all! And wonderful embellishments in the kit, too.

Inspired to Scrap is running great challenges in November, and I made this page with Valerie's collage challenge in mind. I made my photo collages in Photoshop and printed them out on my home photo printer (Kodak ESP5).

These cutie Maya Road chipboard banners aren't in the Scrapbook Circle kit, but I had to use them (you'll see Heidi's sketch and know why!). They are 2 pieces each. The bottom one is sprayed with silver mist and then the top one is covered with papers from the Scrapbook Circle December kit. Follow it up by lacing them together with thin pink ribbon and the look is complete!

If you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, I send you my best!! Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!! Have a great one, and thanks for stopping by today.


Janet's Joy said...

Very nice Diana and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Soooooooooooo love love love love love this Diana!! I am loving the photos and the way you did the banners! Happy Thanksgiving! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

lisa said...

Happy Thanksgiving Diana. Have a lovely day xx

heidi said...

This is an amazing layout!!! So glad you like my sketch. ;o)

I can't believe that silver on the banners is mist. It's so opaque.

Love the colors on here!!

Hope you had a great T-Day and aren't out there right now spending oodles of cash, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Such an awesome LO! Smooth making it a 2 pager! And the banners are yummy!

So sweet of you to think of me! No I DON'T have an AC Moore around here and now I'm super jealous! :) Leah keeps telling me how awesome they are and $9.99 is an AWESOME deal!

Unknown said...

Lovely double page LO! The banner is awesome!

Tracy said...

Your layouts are beautiful. Love the banner

Unknown said...

I do believe that is an AWESOME sketch! I love all the pics you've showcased at one time! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!


LG said...

This double page layout looks so much fun! I wish i can do 2 pagers as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

EverydayMe said...

wonderful double page... looks like one great day!!! {{hugs}} Michelle

Unknown said...

This is a gorgeous project using Kraft cardstock... Please consider entering it at the Kraft Holiday Challenge for a chance to win prizes!