Tuesday, May 25, 2010

our little family

Hi there, peeps! Thanks for stoppin' in today. This page is made with the June kit from Scrapbook Circle. I am loving this shaped paper!

And really loving all of the little die cuts and extras that come in the June kit. I dumped it all out onto my desk and couldn't stop sifting through it with each page I made. I'm tellin' ya... if you were ever looking for a kit with non-stop embellishments, this is the kit for you!

This picture was taken a couple weekends ago when we went to see Thomas The Train. He rolled into a town near us, and even though I thought my son may be over Thomas, he still loves trains. We scooped up Grandma and Papa and off we went.

It really was a great outing. If you have a toddler and Thomas comes by your town, you really should check it out.

I also made this page using another one of Ms. Kristy's fab-o sketches at Design Dollies. Whenever I get a chance to play over there, I just have to! They also run elements and color challenges, but I just can't seem to play along with the challenges like that (sorry, girls!). I'm more of a sketch and prompt gal!

Thanks for stopping in today! Of course, I will be showing off the Scrapbook Circle June kit all week!! :)


Dana Tatar said...

Great page Diana! I LOVE the shaped paper and all of the layers. You rocked this sketch! Thanks for playing along with the Design Dollies. =)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love love love this Diana!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeee that photo of the 3 of U...but ummmmmmmmmmmm shouldn't Nate's shirt say "Giants"??? LOL!! KIDDING!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the colors in this one! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

lisa said...

I love this one Diana.
What a lovely photo. I agree the die cut paper is great. Love the layering and the 'little' that you added : )

Jingle said...

This is really cute! I love the photo of you guys!

Keshet said...

Love the page and cute photo!

Anonymous said...

yAY!You totally rawkd this sketch Diana!!! You make my sketches come to life and I dig when I get the notification in my email that you played. The layers and embellis are yummy! I can't wait to get my kit! Thanks so much for playin and thanks for turning me on to scrapbook circle!

Leah l'Orange said...

you funny chickadee! no need to apologize for NOT playing with some of our challenges - we're always thrilled when you play with ANY of our challenges! love you, hunneh! hope the wee one's b-day went wonderfully, and the next time i'm up to see Vel, we'll make a date! xo

Tracy said...

This page is adorable.
I should do some challenges, I so need to get some scrapbooking pages done.

DtsArt said...

this is really great

bethchien said...

very very pretty layout, sweetie!

Unknown said...

Love this layout! You really rocked all of the little details on this page.

Yara said...

Love this page! Love all the colorful embellies around the photo!