Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day!

I wanted to share some Mother's Day cards and to also say Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. May your special day be all you hope for!

And to all of the moms (you know who you are!) in my life... thank you for the inspiration and love you give me and my little family every day! Love you!

TOP CARD: Dear Lizzy (pp), SRM Stickers, Making Memories (ric rac), Martha Stewart (border punch)
BOTTOM CARD: Cosmo Cricket Early Bird (pp), SRM Stickers, October Afternoon (journal spot), Making Memories (ribbon), Prima (pearls), Martha Stewart (border punch)


Unknown said...

Beautiful cards... happy mother's day! said...

Just beautiful Diana! Love the bright fun colors. Happy Mother's Day!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Can't hate on me and spent the night together again!!! But we loveeeeeeeeeee u!!!! lol!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the cards!!! GORGEOUS!!!! Happy Mothers Day! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! Those cards are great! The first esp is my fav! Lurv ya girlie!

heidi said...

it was completely innocent, i swear! (ok, not COMPLETELY) LOL.

happy mother's day girlie!!!!!!!

kitsNbits said...

beautiful cards, happy mothers day

Unknown said...

Love the cards. Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Jingle said...

These are both gorgeous! I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't get my card posted until after Mother's Day! LOL! I hope you had a wonderful weekend!

Audrey Yeager said...

Just beautiful!!! Hope you had a fantastic mother's day!!!!!

Nishant said...

it was completely innocent..
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