Saturday, January 2, 2010

three year olds have best friends, too!

This past fall I went with Nate and his preschool class on their pumpkin patch field trip. I have been meaning to scrap pictures from that day for awhile now. It was great to see Nate playing with his classmates. I don't usually get to see that for an entire afternoon, and I loved it! My camera was flashing all day!

The Design Dollies helped inspire this layout design with their Holiday Trifeca Challenge. Oh my... it is a sketch, a color challenge and buttons galore! So fun!

You have to link up by Jan. 3 at midnight (I know, I am a procrastinator). Click on over here if you want to see what the details are to play along.

And a note to my friends at the Dollies ... I know, I am such a bad, sporadic player!! My New Year's resolution is to play with the Dollies more. Seriously... it is!! (That and other serious, life-improving promises.)

Supplies: Cosmo Cricket Boyfriend (pp, chipboard), Making Memories (alphas), Colorbok (rub ons)


Unknown said...

Absolutely beautiful layout!!! You did such a great job with all 3 challenges!!! Fab!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

wowwwwwwwwwww....u rocked the challenges!!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this diana!!!! ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and tomorrow night...i am gonna show u that kodak lo i was telling u about....hope u have a sec to check it out! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Leah l'Orange said...

that's a resolution i wholeheartedly approve! :)

you rocked the Trifecta, and i love the layout. the photo is TOO cute!

we forgive you! (and thank you for the plug and the participation!)

sarah said...

LOVE how you used the buttons on that LO!!! :) cute work! :)

Anonymous said...

Love it Diana! Feelin totally honored that you took the challenge on! Love it!!! Its is totally awesome!

heidi said...

awesome layout!!! love those rub ons! since you usually play along with all my dt challenges, my resolution is to play along with yours!!!! :o)

Diana Waite said...

Diana--this is ADORABLE!

Lydia said...

This is so cute, love the collage kind of look that is has. Great page!