Wednesday, January 6, 2010

do i get angry?

I'm sure most of you would think that based on my bloggy demeanor that I am not one to get angry. And, actually, I'm not. I am one of those "quiet... quiet... still quiet... EXPLODE" types. Bad for the ol' ticker, I know, but it is who I am.

So, because of that, my first layout for my January Guest Designer spot for All About Me was kind of a toughie. Challenge #9: What Makes Me Angry is ready for you to play along with us. I finally decided that when I do explode, it's the little things that finally overwhelm me.

My layout is about the dirty dishes, the laundry, the LIFE that gets in the way of when I want to have fun. It's not necessarily an angry feeling always... sometimes more of an annoyance.

I have to shout out to my girl, Heidi!! She has been playing around with bubble wrap as a way of applying ink with texture to her pages. I finally tried it and LOVE it! See the blue dots? That is Tim Holtz blue distressing ink applied via bubble wrap!

See the white and black larger circles? That is all me... applied by my infamous toilet paper roll applicator (LOL).

Well, I hope you find some time to join us this month over at All About Me! The new forum is up, there are new, cool things set in place (see Monday's post from AAM), and we are having fun over there!

Love yourself a good Sketchy Thursdays sketch? I made one exclusively for AAM for January. It can be used on any challenge in January as your starting point if you are one of those peeps that just needs a sketch to get your mind going. It can be found on their site in the sidebar.

Hope to see you over there!


Jingle said...

I love this layout! Really love it! The design is beautiful and the topic is so well handled! Beautiful job!

heidi said...

Girlfriend! Love your bubblewrap painting!!! This is an awesome l/o. I swear I am really going to play along with this one because there's LOTS that makes me angry, LOL. And I'm gonna have one inspired by a Diana technique showing up soon. ~wink~ ~heart~ U!

Brenda said...

awesome job Diana! Love the painting you did!

A Sarasota said...

So clever! Love your LOs, as always...
Congrats on AAM!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

i swear we are kindred spirits!!! lol!!!!! i am quiet quiet quiet and THEN BOOM!!! The italian in me EXPLODES!!!! And mine is the little things too...."no one sees this HUGE stain on the tiled floor??? Really? I'm the ONLY one who sees it?"...and I get..."I never look down".....omylord u did not just say that!!! LOL LOL LOL!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee this lo diana!!! congrats on the gdt! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Dana Tatar said...

I LOVE this! The little pops of orange are great :)

ErinW said...

I could've written this post myself, Diana!! I'm the exact same way... it's not usually anything "big" that upsets me... it's all the little, stupid, annoying things that add up! Like dishes and laundry and socks in the middle of the floor!

Oh, and I think you stole a picture of MY kitchen sink... it usually looks JUST like that! lol

Diana Waite said...

This is GREAT! way to use what's around your house! :)

Anonymous said...

I Love these LO's you do about yourself... what a great memory!! I wish I did more like that!

Unknown said...

awesome lo as always! :)

Anonymous said...

Love it Diana!!! I am right there with ya about the quiet.... explode! So me too! Luckily DH is quite handy at the dishes :) but I do get annoyed when he does laundry and just throws it on the couch :P LOL!

Melissa said...

So awesome having you join us this month Diana!! LOVE this layout and the design.