Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Another big Tuesday for me!

Hello! It's a jam-packed Tuesday for me—in bloggyland and in life.

Today is... (gulp) my birthday, as well as that I'm going with my son's Pre-K class for their Fall field trip this morning, working from home after the field trip (and we're on deadline), running to La Bella Mela with my holiday goodies after work, swinging by to get Nate at the end of Pre-K, then meeting up with the in-laws for a little birthday dinner and ice cream.

Whew! I'm tired just typing all of this!

And bloggyland is just as busy. I am blogging over at Scrapbook Circle today with this layout from the October Kit. We've all been so excited about the Pink Paislee in the kit that poor little October Afternoon Schoolhouse seems to be playing second fiddle.

Not today! Here's my page using that line. I just love the colors and patterns.

Scoot on over to the Scrapbook Circle blog if you want to read the quick story about the 9-9-1 in the title! :)

It is also my second blog post day for Flamingo Scraps as they celebrate their second anniversary with so many great prizes and specials. I hope you've been reading over there... you don't want to miss this month!! Plenty of prizes, great ideas and discounts at the store.

Today over there, I shared my altered Prima jar and felt/chipboard button flowers. I would love it if you stopped over there to see the rest of my project. CLICK HERE! And thanks so much!!

Thanks for reading all of this—I've been excited to share these with you!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope its a GREAT ONE!!!!! And OFF to see you in all of bloggy land (funny...that is how my Thursday is gonna be!!! LOL) :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

A Sarasota said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! And many,many more happy birthdays....
I can't believe how much Nate has grown up just in the past few months, not to mention in the year that I've know you/your blog! Wow!
hope today's the greatest!

Diana Joy said...

Whew! I got tired just reading all you have to do. Happy Birthday and enjoy your dinner out.

Janet's Joy said...

Happy Birthday Diana! What better way to spend it than with your little guy! Enjoy dinner too and I love your projects!

Dana Tatar said...

Happy Birthday! =)

Anonymous said...

happy birthday, Diana! I hope your whole day turns into a celebration, not just dinner :)

Tessa Buys said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy your busy day!

heidi said...

happy birthday! have a great day!!!!!!!

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

Happy Birthday Diana! Have fun today :)

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY:) Hope you had a great day!! Love your LOs!!

Jingle said...

I hope it is an AWESOME Tuesday! Happy Birthday!!!! And great projects, too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Diana! Such a busy day and wonderful projects!

Amanda Sevall said...

Happy, happy birthday Diana!!!!! I hope you have had a fabulous one!!!! :)

Keshet said...

Happy Birthday, my friend!

EverydayMe said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! A day late and a dollar short as my dad would say.... I hope you had a great one!!! and you had fun on the field trip... so fun!!! love the lo and going to check out the others... i'm off... happy birthday again... have a lovely week and a wonderful new year!!! {{hugs}} Michelle