Wednesday, April 7, 2010

good things on the way...

Hey everyone! I haven't been able to post much here the past few days. Everything I'm working on is for a reveal, a DT commitment or something along those lines.

What I will tell you is that there's some cool opportunities on the way to you soon. There will be chances in April to win lots of goodies. Speaking of, did you know my bloggiversary is April 21st? Just sayin'... there may be some goodies here. Maybe some giveaways. Maybe... :)

Today I'm sharing a sneak for a reveal next week. This is a snippet of my new favorite page from a sketch made by the talented Ms. Heidi. I am so excited to share this one!!

Stop by tomorrow for Sketchy Thursdays! See ya then. (Eh, this was supposed to be a Wordless Wednesday... ha! I think I've proven I stink at the "wordless" thing! lol.)


Jingle said...

OH, MAN! That is already super cute! How exciting that your blogiversary is coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow - can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve for goodies and inspiration this month!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh love the sneak!!!! :) And U are as good as me at that wordless thing!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Tracy said...

Aww you are sooo CUTE too, teehee.
Wordless is there such a thing????not in my house LOL

heidi said...

Oh boy!!! That sneak is adorable! Can't wait to see the whole thing!!!!