Wednesday, February 17, 2010

wordless wednesday

I don't have too much to say today. I've been swamped at work and the inspiration level when I get home has been pretty low. It's amazing what 8 hours of staring at a computer doing layouts can do for your mojo... it can kill it. All out squish it! Especially when you have deadlines back-to-back-to-back like I have right now. But I digress...

Here's a cutie-patootie little card I was asked to make for a co-worker to give a client. I thought this was just the cutest little elephant! He's from Sassafras Lass. They just make the cutest stuff!

OK, that's enough of my "Wordless" Wednesday. See you back here tomorrow for my Sketchy Thursdays page and a new sponsor!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

i totally here u on the staring at the computer can kill had to key over 400 adjustments on one account yesterday and hand was killing me when i was done....hard to create when u kill the "creating" the card! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Brenda said...

awww your card is sooo adorable!!!

Diana Joy said...

...yes, just staring at a computer all day is uninspiring - I know. I could never do digi....need to play with paper. Cute cute card.

Jingle said...

Oh, that is so adorable! And yes...I've had those computer staring days. Oh...wait...that's what I do for a living! HA!

melissa said...

that little elephant is just darling. I love the soft texture of the ribbon, too.:)

Keshet said...

What a sweet card! I hope you get your mojo back soon:) I just found your etsy shop--your stuff is so cute! I'm going to have to do another etsy inspiration round!

Pauline said...

Adorable card ... love the soft colors & textures.

heidi said...

I'm sorry you've been having squishy days!!!! Hope they firm up soon. ha ha ha

This is just the sweetest card. Just perfect!

Unknown said...

Love the yellow/blue combo. Love it!

LG said...

lovely lovely card. Simple but beautiful

Anonymous said...

Super cute!

Cathy said...

It's an elephant! So you know I love it!