Monday, May 9, 2011

Pinwheel love

Hello, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and also managed to get some creative work done in celebration of National Scrapbooking Day. I managed to make one card and one double-page layout, but that is way less than what I had hoped for or even planned to make. Oh well. But I did spent a lot of one-on-one time with my son, which I guess is what Mother's Day is all about, right?!

Thanks for stopping to see my card. I am really into pinwheels right now. If you missed my weekend posts, you can see THIS PINWHEEL CARD HERE that was for the Polkadot Door blog hop.

I have challenged myself to learn how to make all of the handmade embellishments that I see out there in blogland. I have been pinning them in Pinterest and plan on trying to make each one I see. Especially the ones that require patterns and sewing. And I would love to learn to crochet, too, so I can make crochet flower embellishments.

It's good to have a challenge, don't you think? Well, I have managed the pinwheel ... let's see what I can find next to make! If you know of any tutorials on handmade flowers, link them up in the comments section. I'd love to take a peek. :)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a fabulous start to your week.


lisa said...

Love this : )
I haven't made a pinwheel embellishment for ages.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Loveeeeeeeeeeeee this!!!! I love pinwheels too! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Jingle said...


Anonymous said...

What a task! I know if anyone is, you are up to it! Love the pinwheel card! Super cute!

Handmade Hannah said...

i am also a little bit in love with pin wheels. They look fabulous on your card. Thanks for sharing :)

Jean said...

I just recently learned how make pinwheels too and have been having fun using them in LO's. I love your quest to learn how to make all different kinds of embellys!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty card!

Elizabeth said...

This is totally cute and adorable!!! I love it!

Diana Waite said...

okay, this is GENIUS!! Love this card!

heidi said...

Love this. I love the background PP you used. It creates lots of movement. Very cool!

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

Cute card! I've been enjoying your crafty pins on Pinterest. I'm with you on the crocheting too. There are so many things to make! I'm sad that I never learned from my grandma, she was AMAZING at it.

Pam W. said...

Oh my goodness...this card is adorable.

Brittney said...

Super cute. I love the flower in the middle

Audrey Yeager said...

THis is so cute! This isn't a flower tutorial, but I used it before and I do NOT know how to came out pretty nice although I had to watch the video 100 times! :)

EverydayMe said...

I sooooo love pinwheels... on cards and on cards... this is so wonderful!! {{hugs}} Michelle