Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Snow day {finally!}

For some crazy reason, Upstate New York hasn't gotten much snow this season. Hardly a snowflake has dropped, and the minute it does accumulate, it melts in a heat wave that will inevitably follow. 

I'm most certainly not complaining, but I was starting to panic that I was going to go the whole season without any pictures of Nate playing in the snow. 

Thank goodness a couple of weekends ago we got some snow. It was enough to have to shovel the driveway — so out the door Nate and I went to have some fun. I pulled him in his little sled, and he "helped" me shovel (LOL). It was a fun afternoon.

For my page, I used a sketch from PageMaps and also more of the February kit from Scrapbook Circle.

Thanks for stopping by to see my layout. I really like how it turned out — simple and clean.


Heidi said...

I like the neutral background. Makes the photos and elements really stand out.

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I've heard there has been ice... Aunt Mary fell in her driveway... thank goodness the garbage truck man just happened to be there and saw her and helped her up...but it's weird you guys haven't had any big ones this season!

I loveeeeeeee your lo! LOVING the photos of Nate, and loving the doily!

Patricia Roebuck said...

Gorgeous LO, Diana! We are way down south and barely had any cool weather.

Anonymous said...

Great page! Love the white space in this layout!

Anonymous said...

this is just so pretty!

Unknown said...

Sounds like what happens when in snows in my part of Texas, barely enough to stick and melts when it touches ground. Glad you and Nate had fun. Wonderful layout!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the layout!!

Margie Higuchi said...

Goodness! I love this sweet page, Diana :) And be careful what you wish for (aka snow)! LOL!! Being from Chicago, it's a blessing to have this mild weather...IMHO! LOL!

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

I love the simplicity of the page! You are certainly capturing some amazing photos with your new camera :)

Unknown said...

Love your simple design! Hope you get a little more snow before spring arrives so that you can take more snow photos.

~amy~ said...

{{sigh}} I so love your style!

Sheila said...

love the simple clean look! I also live in upstate NY, and there was one day for snow angels---I have been scrapping the same set of pictures over and over :o)

Diana Waite said...

this is JUST GORGEOUS! Congrats again for being featured on two peas!!

Rebecca Keppel said...

Love all the white space! Perfect for a snowy layout!