Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Workspace Wednesday

I'm pretty sure Workspace Wednesday is supposed to be your desk and all it's mess, but I don't think I've shared picture of my constantly evolving workspace in quite some time. This room is one of the spare bedrooms in our home that I claimed for myself.

This is also Nate's space, as you can see his tiny table and easel are in here, too.

Thanks for stopping by to see my workspace. This is where you can find me most evenings, so picture me perched in my green chair next time we're chatting or texting on any given evening.
Thanks, Julie, for adding me to this wonderful list of amazing scrappers! Can't wait to get to work!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I LOVE your workspace!! Beautiful all the white and green and your curtains rock!!That wallhanger is beautiful!!
And YAY to have you on the team Diana!!

EverydayMe said...

love the workspace.... and love Nate's space.. Rainee usually comes sits on my lap... her space is really the rest of the room... but she likes my lap best... and you know what happens when that happens... no scrapping really gets done... but I love it...

C.O.N.G.R.A.T.U.L.A.T.I.O.N.S!!!!!!! So excited to have you on the team!!! Yeah for you... Yeah for us!!! {{hugs}} Michelle

hilde janbroers said...

congrats on the new DT!! I think I will participate when I can!!

Your workspace is soooo nice!! Love the green!!

Shell said...

love your work area - of course you had me with the green!! LOL

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I want to PLAY in your ROOM!!! Really I do... and UGH... you should see my new place when I move... I am getting a corner... really... a corner... lol lol lol... I know I will make it work though... that's what I do!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Danielle said...

Congrats on the design team. Your room is awesome. The colors are so pretty together and I like that you have a space set up for Nate to craft with you.

Mary Pat Siehl said...

congrats on the dt!

Jingle said...

WOW! It is so fabulously clean! Gorgeous space! Congratulations on the DT!!! That is exciting!

Kristina said...

Diana I love your room. It's so neat and organized and very fashionable too. Not too office-y but rather quite pretty :)
Congrats on your new DT spot too.


Jennifer said...

congratulations on the DT! Love the green and black color scheme of your room. I used to have a dedicated scrap room that was also DD's playroom before I had #2 and she had a table and easel in there just like those. :)

Pam W. said...

Love your space (the colors are awesome) and congrats!

Angi Barrs said...

What a great work space. Love the dress form on the shelf. And big congrats to ya. :)

Karen said...

I love your workspace! That color green is just great! Mind if I ask what it is?
Congratulations on you DT news, that is great.

faithnme said...

Love seeing your work space.. Very nice and Congrats on making the DT


byondbzr said...

Congrats! Love your green room!

Diana Waite said...

looks like fun! My office is green too! Congrats on the new DT!! :)

Deborah said...

Congrats! Love all the space you have!!

Janet's Joy said...

Love your space! That shade of green is really pretty. Congrats on your new DT position!

my4blessings said...

Congratulations! Your creative space is wonderful.

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

Congratulations on the TAAFOMFT DT! I love your craft's so pretty! How nice that Nate has his own little space so he can work with you :)

Anonymous said...

WOW I love your space! So purty and great color! Love Nate's space in there too :) Congrats on the DT spot too!

Scrapamum said...

Congrats Diana!!! So excited to be working with you. By the way... LOVE your workspace!!!

Keshet said...

Love the colors in here, Diana! And congrats on the new DT!

Vanessa said...

Amazing workspace!! Nice set-up and color choice :) I envy you! I've been able to claim one small corner of my bedroom, thanks to my wonderfully generous husband! *but I'm very thankful for that corner*
I especially love the different spots you seem to have to clip up your work and things. Very nice!

Anonymous said...

Awesome room, wow - so tidy!!!

Congratulations on the design team win. Looks like an awesome team!

Anne Pennington