Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pajamarama anyone?!

I'm so excited to be starting my new DT responsibilities for The Sampler at ScrapbookingSuppliesRUs.com. Today I have my first blog post on the site, and I'm also sharing this page with the readers of that blog.

The January kit, "A Bright New Year," is chock full of variety. There are great new papers as well as fan favorites from 2010. I have always been a big fan of this number paper from Jillibean Soup. And these new Thickers are fabulous!!! I will need about 3 more sets for sure! (I used all the As in this one title, LOL!!)

These pictures are from my son's most favorite thing to do—go to Pajamarama. He and his best friend, Andrew, look forward to it every month. One Wednesday night each month the library hosts the kiddos for stories, snacks, games, crafts and songs. Yep... all of those in one night! And the kids wear their jammies. It is a hoot!

This kit was perfect to show off the playfulness of the event.

Thanks for stopping by today to share my new 2011 adventure with The Sampler! I hope you'll follow the blog over there and see what the rest of the designers do with this kit. :)


lisa said...

I love this page Diana. The way you've journaled looks great and the photos have captured pjamarama so well.
That would be a cool idea for adults. I love being in pjs.x

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love love this!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee that title work and all the photos!!! GORGEOUS!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Janet's Joy said...

What a cute page! Those thickers do look great. I'll have to get some.

Jingle said...

That sounds like a great plan! Very cute page!

Anonymous said...

How cute! Pajamarama sounds like the most fun thing! Congrats on the new teams too!

Keshet said...

Love this! Love the curved title especially! I just bought CK's everyday memories, excited to see you in there!

byondbzr said...

Wonderful page, love the journaling around the edge of the die cut!

Diana Waite said...

what a CUTE clever page!

my4blessings said...

Great page! I struggle with non-girly pages sometimes and I've got to do a boy page soon (my son is starting to notice all the pages of his three sisters, time to even it up a bit). Thanks for the inspiration!

Sharla said...

Love the page, what a fun activity for your son and his friend...Do they have an adult version of pajamarama? Cuz I think I'd really enjoy that!! ;)

ScrappnBee said...

what a great layout! Love the white journaling and the playful numbers! Good luck at the Sampler!

bethchien said...

awesome layout, babe! great design!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful layout! I love all the yellow touches and the numbers! Love numbers! Beautiful design!Gorgeous how you placed the photo's! Looks like a wonderful kit!