Monday, March 29, 2010

easter bunny is hopping into town

Yay!! I love Easter! Good food. Time with family. And, of course, the expectation to eat candy for breakfast!!

Nate had his first visit with the Easter Bunny this year. The years before we never went or the line was too long. Nate was surprised that the Easter Bunny doesn't talk, but other than that, he was fine with it all.

This page was made with the Scrapbook Circle April kit. Seriously, this kit is AMAZING! I was thrown by all of the pastel colors at first, since I make mostly boy pages, but with it being spring, everything just fell together so easily.

I am always looking for inspiration to help me put pages together, so here are the credits for the inspiration and places you can play along with, too:
• BlueMoon Scrapbooking: Paper cutting challenge
• Design Dollies: This sketch here from the wonderous Kristy
Scrapfreak Birthday Bash Crop challenge: Stitching Technique challenge

Thanks for stopping by my blog today! I truly appreciate everyone who stops by here!!


lisa said...

Really cute and Eastery x

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this!!!!! I love that adorable photo and the cutout work and the colors are just awesome for this!!! i am happy U are using it for blue moons was gonna suggest that!! LOL!!! Thanks for playing with us! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm usually not very good with pastel either but looking at all the textures and touches of fabric its just so darn purty!!! Love the pic of your son and the Bunny too! Thanks for playin with us Diana! We love havin ya!

Leah l'Orange said...

that is TOO lovely, D! your alphas, the cluster of flowers (and that GORJE handmade one!), the little eyelet stitches, and your fussycutting... POIFECT, dahlink!! i have issues with pastels, too, but you TOTALLY rocked this!

Tracy said...

Your layout turned out awesome. Loving your pastel colours.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work!

heidi said...

this is just so cute!!

Diana Waite said...

this is DARLING!

LG said...

this is amazing Diana. Love all the details and great design as always

Marlene said...

Adorable layout, Diana! Loving all the detail...especially the stitched x's!

sarah said...

i'm trying to stay caught up with everyone's amazing work!!! so of course i had to come by your blog. LOVE this one! it's sooooo springy and so happy! me loves!


lauren bergold said...

wow!!! this is gorgeous! i love the colors and patterns--but i confess that when i saw them i wouldn't have thought "boy page" brilliant that you made the leap to "EASTER PAGE"...that just happens to have a boy in it...and thus these are the PERFECT ingredients, it's like they were chosen especially FOR THAT PHOTO!!! ♥

Sweet Escape said...

i freaking love this layout!!!...this is such a spring layout!! love it!! happy tuesday!!

Jingle said...

This is beautiful!

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

What a cute photo! Love the layout too. I have the circles paper and have been trying to figure out how to cut it up and use it on a page. I just might need to "borrow" your idea...ha! :)

Kate said...

you totally rocked that page!! i love it!! thanks for playing at the dollies :D

Unknown said...

cute kit! love the layout and i think it's so cute he said that bout the easter bunny! i'm excited for easter too!

Unknown said...

Another fantastic layout! Love the canvas flower.

Carla said...

Ok totall love the fabric flower with the button, now what did I do with all that DARN fabric that i bought 2 years ago to do stuff like this? HMMMMMM have no clue!

Brenda said...

ohhhh this is soooo awesome Diana!!!!!