Monday, March 8, 2010

cute cards week!

Thanks to a little extra cash flow, I was able to splurge on the Papertrey Ink stamp sets that I have had my eye on. I picked up 4 sets, including this new one, Studio Style, released in February. (Do you know that I'm totally in love with Dawn McVey?! I love her design style.)

This weekend I really only made cards and tags, and I pretty much just spent any crafty time coloring in stamped images. It was so fun!!

Better late than never, I used this color challenge (
ROYAL BLUE, SKY BLUE, LIME GREEN) at Design Dollies for this card. I just couldn't tear myself away from my couch to post this last night for the contest. Such great colors!!

Did you notice the title of this post is cute cards WEEK? Yeah, I made a bunch... :) And for no real reason except for myself and to send to friends!!! I love that!!!

Hope your Monday is going well!!!


Anonymous said...

OOO! WEEK?! I can't wait to see the rest! This is so simply cool Diana! Thanks for playin with us!

Shell said...

cute cards rock - I often make them when I am feeling uninspired or not very creative to do other things and I love sending them unexpectedly to friends!

love the colours!

lisa said...

Oh wow....definitely one cute card x

Marlene said...

Love cute cards!! Yours is definitely cute!

Jingle said...

That is SUPER cute! I love that PT set!!!

Tracy said...

I love that sentiment. Crafty Friend.
Cute card. I will be checking back for your other cards.

Renee Lamb said...

ooh, I LOVE that stamp and love the simplicity of the card! It really stands out!

Unknown said...

Love that set too! What other ones did you splurge on???

Mimi said...


heidi said...

I love this card! I love YOUR cards!!! I can't wait to see more of them. Funny, I made 3 cards this weekend, too, and you know I'm not really a cardmaker. Must've been a card-y kind of weekend. I actually enjoyed making them, too...think I've got a few more in me before the week's out, too.

Anonymous said...

oh, love that stamp!! very cute and awesome colors. Cant wait to see the rest...I love EVERYTHING you do!!

Thanks for playing along with us Dollies. Better late than never it my motto!

melissa said...

ah! that is ridiculously cute!!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

eeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee that card!!!!! Sooooooooooooo stinkin' cute! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

sarah said...

i'm finally getting around to visiting everyone's blogs.... but looks like you've been busy since i last visited! :)

cute card... i'll need to go check out that stamp set!


j.leija said...

you should be getting a commission on these because you're totally selling them! i want!! what did you color them with? copics?

lauren bergold said...

best reason in the world to make something: "just 'cause i felt like makin' it!!!" seriously. keep up the good work (play!) missus!!! ♥