Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 of my favorite things

I was lucky enough to have some free time this weekend to scrap. Because dear hubby was working his new shift, I was able to play with the Design Dollies. The triple threat this week is to use turquoise, lime green and white, make a page about your favorite things, and use Kristy's sketch (which can be seen here).

I used my Studio Calico Whodunit January kit for this page. How cool that their new papers and the Origins line from Basic Grey which are in the kit would match so well with the Dollies challenge. And... I also found a not-so-bad picture of myself where I was wearing green just to make it all the more matchy-matchy.

I included only 10 favorite things so that this page also is my Guest DT Challenge for Scrapfreak this month. Crossing my fingers... I would love to be GDT over there, I love those peeps and the gallery is always full of wonderful inspiration.

Thanks for dropping in!! I hope you are having a great weekend. It is supposed to be warmer here today, but without the sun shining, the predicted high-40s still feels pretty darn cold to me. Stay warm, peeps!!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Diana I love the layout! That kit is gorgeous:) I hope you make the GDT at Scrapfreak...I was gonna try but for some reason, I can't even get on to their site anymore...I don't know what's wrong, b/c every other site on internet is working fine!!! I've tried I don't know how many times. And I love it there too, but now I don't know what to do since I can't get on.. I might have to download firefox again and see if that helps!!! But the lo and hope you have a great weekend! Love, Jess

Anonymous said...

OMG, I absolutely LOVE this! Your right, the Studio Calico goes PERFECTLY!. Can we say "spirit fingers"...

Thanks for playing with us NEVER disappoint! muah!!!

heidi said...

this is awesome! trifecta, baby!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome Diana!!! Love all the bits and love that you took on the Trifecta! WOOT! Thanks for playin with us! We luv you!

Katie said...

What a fabulously funky layout! Good luck with the GDT at the Freak!

Sarah Lou said...

Oh fab trifecta! just Fantabulous!

KarenB said...

Rocking the trifecta, nice work :)

Jingle said...

How can one single scrapper continue to amaze me with every single layout? Seriously. Stop it. HA! No...don't. I love it! Your work is truly inspiring!

bethchien said...

hahahah that is so freaking funny! THERE'S your mojo, mom!! hahahahaha
And sweet a@@ design, babe! Gorgeous and cool layout! Have a great day!

Unknown said...

fabulous girl, i love the circles!!

Leah l'Orange said...

stunner of a project here, m'dear! you know i love your work, and OOOHHH, those are some TASTY lil' buttons! ;)


lisa said...

Great iade for a LO. Love all yoyr little circles. x