Saturday, October 10, 2009

a little "if" and a "dream" and some "play ball"

I love that sometimes when I can sit down and really plan my pages, I come up with a page I'd never think of on my own. Here is my "pile it on" page!

Spunky Scrappers: Games (in this case, baseball)
Design Dollies: The sketch and the 3 pieces of bling on the flowers
Scrapfreak: Big Dreams—week 2 for Oct. Friday challenges (the hidden journaling off the right side where I wrote a note to my son that my dream for him is that he'll be able to play organized sports as he gets older)
Scrap That Poetry:
Rudyard Kipling's "IF"
(the pieces of the quote I used in the journal spot)
Pile It On: Three dimensional (I lifted up the middle pic, the journal spot, some of the flowers and the ribbon.

Do you like the papers and embellies on this page? Nearly everything came from my Lil Scrappin Mama October kit. OMG... it is great! If you are looking for a great fall kit, this is the one. Head on over before they're all gone!


Anonymous said...

Love it Diana!!! You totally RAWKED my sketch! HUGS for playin! You're awesome!

Tessa Buys said...

You are amazing! So many challenges in one wonderful layout!

Anonymous said...

*JAZZ HANDS* Love it!!

heidi said...

I love this layout!!! Thanks so much for playing along with us (always!) on Spunky Scrappers. Way to pile it on!! I echo Nicole...JAZZ HANDS!!

Jessica Wilson said...

Way to pile on those challenges, Diana! Thanks so much for playing over at STP..your layout is just gorgeous! Such great design:)
Love, Jess

Kim said...

yay!! so glad you played! this is wonderful!!! :)

Jennifer Stricker said...

Great layout!
Your color choice is wonderful and your design and detail amazing.

Thank you for playing along with Pile It On! this week.

Jennifer PIO

Get the Picture by Kathy said...

Once again - an awsome page. You are my mentor on combing challenges...

MommyScraps said...

Diana, you are amazing... :) LOVE your take on ALL of those challenges! Thanks for playing with the Dollies!!! :) (Humbly, your #1 fan...)

Kim said...

hey pretty lady... left you an award on my blog here:

Tonia_and_boys_Inc. said...

awesome!!! i knew you could do it!! AND my GOONESS!!! that's the way to multi-task! LOVE IT GIRLIE!!

Leah l'Orange said...

fabulous, dahlink, but then i wouldn't have expected anything else! i love the layouts you do of your son - i feel like i know him!

great job on combining all three of the Design Dollies challenges for last week, love!

Jingle said...

This is a truly fantastic layout! He is so adorable!

Terria said...

OH I love, the ribbon is my favorite great job!! said...

Looks great Diana!! That kit IS great!!!!

Unknown said...

oh man i love this!! the papers, the photo, the embellies! awesomeness diana!!!