Monday, March 5, 2012

PageMaps & Imaginisce

I was beyond thrilled when I found out that the Imaginisce girls would have the opportunity to work with Becky Fleck and her amazing sketches. As a sketch designer myself, I look up to Becky and what she has been able to do for scrapbookers that like to start with a sketch for inspiration.

I made my page using Becky's sketch and a mix of Sole Sisters and Happy Harvest from Imaginisce. These are the pictures from Nate's Valentine's Day photo shoot that I had with him. 

Here is the sketch that I used from PageMaps. You can find this sketch and more at the March page on the website. The other Imaginisce girls' layouts are there, too. 

If you'd like to play along with Imaginsce, and even have a chance at winning a prize pack featuring the soon to be released Makin' Waves from Imaginisce, play along with PageMaps ------> HERE on the PageMaps blog.

Thanks for stopping to see my layout! I really love this one.


Heidi said...

Oooooh I love this layout, especially with the black. Nicely done!

Anonymous said...

love this! Great colors and "pop"!!!

Jingle said...

Super cute page! I love the colors on the black!

byondbzr said...

Love the pop of teal and the banner too!

Anonymous said...

Love that layout!

Diane Payne said...

Love this, Diana! So striking with the color combo you selected!

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Sooooooooooo cute cute cute! I loveeeeeee those photos, the colors and LOVING the houndstooth paper!!

Diana Waite said...

okay that is just COOL--LOVE your layout too!

Rebecca Keppel said...

i love your take on the sketch and the super bright and fun use of the IMaginisce line!