Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New craft room for 2012

I am so excited to share a big project that was in the making for many months. By "in the making," I mean I had the best of intentions to get this done sooner. 

Above is the room that I used to use for my scrappy space. It was the smallest of the bedrooms in the house. The other spare room (below) was our guest room. All it had in it was a spare bed and a closet full of stuff we stored away. 

It was begging for me to take it over. And now the room I used to be in (the green one), is going to have all of our exercise equipment in it and be a storage room for the husband.

My favorite part of this room (other than the size and the bigger closet) is the way I painted it when we moved it. I had used left over paint from other rooms and done a two-tone, mix-and-match. Now I actually get to enjoy it! It had been one of my favorites when I painted years ago.

Like I said before, the closet space doubled from the other room, and I am loving all of the extra shelves and spaces I have.

I have also been meaning to show this technique on my blog for awhile now. I have 15 albums full of scrapbook pages. They take up the entire top shelf on the left side of the closet. Once stacking those was too difficult in the old room, I started hanging my page protectors on 'S' hooks in the closet.

I have found that not only is it a space saver, but the pages don't flatten and smoosh like the ones in the books have.

And there you have it—my new craft room. As you can tell, I'm quite excited about it. Now I can start to add some personal touches and hang some new artwork. I love a blank canvas! 

Thanks for stopping to see the new room! 


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love love it!!!! Your new room looks AMAZING!!!! And loving the way you hung the lo's!!! Very COOL! :):):):):):):):):):):)

Pam said...

Oh, how I wish I had a space like this. Very lovely! :-) Enjoy your new space!

Anonymous said...

How cool! LOVE the paint job! Now wonder you wanted to take over! Enjoy your new (and bigger!) space!

Jingle said...

How exciting! That looks great!

Mary Pat Siehl said...

oh this looks great! i bet you love going into your room!

thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving such a kind comment!

Lisa Echerd said...

What a wonderful space. Great way to display your layouts!

Danielle said...

Such a beautiful space! Love the two toned wall with the stripe.

Patricia Roebuck said...

Oh, I loved both of the spaces...but it is so nice to have the shelf space...I love how open it is...and I love the idea of the putting the pages up like that...I have seen that before and may have to give it a try.

Ursula Schneider said...

that is a LOT of space! Congrats!

Diana Waite said...

Yeah! what a wonderful space!

Blessed Ladybug said...

wow i love it .. thanks for sharing...

Rebecca Keppel said...

Your new space looks fabulous!

Sara Zenger said...

It looks great! There is nothing better than having your own creative space! Enjoy the extra room - I am sure you will grow in to it! :)

Nitasha said...

Your room looks awesome! Love the S-hook layout storage idea!

heidi said...

Awesome! Love it! Love the paint. The chair rails are gorgeous! Love your layout storage tip.

Kristina said...

Yay fir fresh starts, blank canvases and new spaces! Great way to start a year. BTW love your wall colors ;)

Your Memories Here

Unknown said...

Gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see your new room inspiration come through on your pages!

Christa said...

That is an awesome new room!! I would love that much space!

Pamela said...

Looks awesome! I need someone to come re-do mine! :)

Amy said...

Love those dark walls! Fabulous space!

Unknown said...

Love your new space. The big window and touches of blue and green look great.Enjoy your room!

Adora Concepcion said...

wow, your craft space looks looks awesome !! I love it!

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

Great space!

Shellye McDaniel said...

Nice! I love the new room and the idea of using the S hooks...I'm gonna steal that idea :)

corrie said...

I love your new room!!! The paint is so cool. I will have to remember that look. And I am glad to know that I am not the only one who has a bunch of albums! LOL. I think mine may be taking over!

Seanna said...

Your room is really great! I love the wall colors. You did a great job with all of it. Enjoy!

Cindy said...

Your room is lovely and you did a great job organizing it!