Friday, June 18, 2010

best week ever!

I have had the best {crafty} week ever! Not only did I get the news that Creating Keepsakes is publishing 2 of my layouts in an upcoming publication (...YAY!!!), but I also had a great meeting today with Robin from La Bella Mela.

Robin is the owner/founder of the cutest little boutique located about a mile from my house behind a well-known, quaint little restaurant. Adorable, right?! Here are some pictures from the inside of La Bella Mela. So cute!

I am happy to say that cards, flowers and other items (such as the frames below) made by me can now be found at La Bella Mela! I'm so happy to be included with so many other amazing local artists in this shop.

Fabric and fill memory board.

Love how the Dear Lizzy ribbon looks here around the button. (And I love my new tags!)

Cork memory board.

If you are traveling in the Rochester area, or live here, you have to swing on by. This place is eye candy for sure!!

The best part is that I have lots of ideas from my meeting with Robin, so I have a list of cards and product that need creating. Better go get busy! :)

Thanks for stopping in today! And if you stop in to La Bella Mela, tell Robin I sent you!!


Bonita Rose said...

fabulous news gf.. CONGRATULATIONS! WAY TO GO.. awesome!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a fantastic week. Congrats on CK and having your frames being sold at that adorable shop.

Laurel said...

Oh congrats to you, that is so great!

Leah l'Orange said...

OMGoomie, honey, that's fantastic news all around! SO excited for you, and of COURSE there are lots of good things going on, because you DESERVE THEM ALL! sending you bunches of love and sunshine. xo

(oh, and if i am in the Rah-cha-cha area, forget the boutique, i'm hunting YOU down, chickadee!)

Diana Joy said...

Wow....congratulations on the published news and the selling at the cute store. Lots to smile about in your life.

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

OMGoodness!! That is the best week EVER!!! Congrats to you for some well deserved recognition with the publications and for the opportunity to sell your adorable products locally! Hooray for you Diana!!! :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I know U will know this....excuse the added word{s}.....

"Its Diana's BESTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT day ever....Yes, its Diana's BESSSTTTTTTTTTTTTT day ever!" ... now picture a little square yellow dude singing it!! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

CONGRATS my DEAREST!! U sooooooooooooooooo deserve it!! My mama is gonna be there in August...I am gonna make her go in there and buy me something designed by diana!! YAY! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

heidi said...

Congratulations! I am so proud of you!!!!!!

Tracy said...

Wow so exciting for you. You'r in a magazine and have your beautiful crafts in a beautiful shop.
We had a couple of shops like this here, but they all went out of business. I could spend hours in there.

lisa said...

Well done : )
That place looks lovely.
Good luck with the sales xx

Anonymous said...

wow, congratulations on both accounts! that's fantastic!

Wati Basri said...

woohooo...congrats on your upcoming PUB!!

Diana Waite said...

CONGRATS on the pubs--SO AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! CONGRATS are definitely in order! You are so freakin talented that its no wonder you are being pubbed AND have your creations in shop! WOOHOO!!!! So happy for you!

Keshet said...

Amazing on both counts! I am so, so happy for you!

Audrey Yeager said...

You are getting PUBLISHED???? That is SOOOO awesome! Congrats!

Stacy Milford said...

Yeah for you!!! Congrats on the pubs & how fun is that little shop?!?