Friday, June 24, 2011

Imaginisce {giveaway}

Hello everyone! I posted yesterday about my love for the Imaginisce i-top and shared with you how I used paper and the punches that are created to go with the i-top system to make brads for a layout.

Today I'm sharing what I made using the accessories for the i-top and fabric. I used the medium size snap daddies and bobby pins to make fabric-covered hair accessories.

Here is what I learned and can pass on to you, should you choose to use fabric with your i-top. I had the little templates for tracing, but as it turned out, it was more difficult to get good coverage if I used it. I ended up just making solid circles, as you can see in the above picture. And the extra material seemed to work just fine with the actual tool as I snapped together all of the pieces.

And here are the finished hair pins! And they snap off, so if you wanted to, you could use one pin and change out the decoration at the end as you wished. So versatile! Of course, you know I'm going to be playing around with the i-top for a long time.

To celebrate my new love for the i-top, I am giving away an i-top here on my blog!

Here's what you can do to gain entries to the giveaway:
1. Follow my blog and leave a comment letting me know you did.
2. Leave a comment letting me know you stopped by and saw my project.
3. Post this on Twitter and leave a comment that you did that.
4. Post this on Facebook and leave a comment here.

Sketchy Thursdays is also giving away an i-top (and accessories) to one winner this week. Leave me a comment here that you posted your entry to the Mr. Linky at the Sketchy Thursdays site and that will also earn you another chance—just for playing along over there.

So there you have it! My big i-top secret. :) A big thanks to Imaginisce for sponsoring over at Sketchy Thursdays. I'm so excited to be able to demonstrate what this fabulous tool can do for crafters—it has so much potential!

You have until Wed night, June 29 to comment for your chance to win—have a great weekend!! And if you already have an i-top, I would love to see the links to your projects so I can visit your blog. Thanks so much for stopping by!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I loveeeeeeeeeee those bobby pins you made with this!! VERY COOL!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Sara Zenger said...

WOW!!!! What lovely pins! I just adore them and would totally wear them! I am a follower of your blog, and I posted your link on FB. Thanks for the chance on this amazing tool!

Mary Pat Siehl said...

oh wow those pins are amazing! i love them!

Janet's Joy said...

Awesome project and what a secret!!

Janet's Joy said...

I'm a follower. :)

Amanda Johnson said...

Those are adorable!! Love them!!

Amanda Johnson said...

I am a follower of your blog! :)

Amanda Johnson said...

Shared on facebook!! :)

Sara said...

Those hair pins are adorable! What a fun tool!

Kelly Massman said...

Wow! Two chances to win an I-TOP! It would make my day to win! Anyway, I'm a follower--surprised I'm not already!!! :-) Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Kelly Massman said...

I saw your project!! And, I loved it!

Kelly Massman said...

I must really want this, because I made my very first tweet today! :-)
My tweet name is kmassman!

artfuldelight said...

Super cute hair pins. I totally want an i-top.

artfuldelight said...

I shared this on FB. :-)

artfuldelight said...

I am a follower of your blog!!! :-)

EverydayMe said...

... but of course...I am a follower... {{hugs}} Michelle

EverydayMe said...

Thanks for the tutorial... and I love those hairpins... too fun...
{{hugs}} Michelle

EverydayMe said...

Just posted on twitter...
{{hugs}} Michelle

EverydayMe said...

Facebook... well of course... Thanks for the (2) chances to win one... Now I'm off to work on my SketchyThursday layout... have a wonderful day!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle

Jessica Goodpaster said...

Thanks for sharing your secret with us! I would love to win an i-top, have been eyeing them up for a while. Thanks for the opportunity!

Jessica Goodpaster said...

I am already a follower! :)

Diana Waite said...

what a fun project Diana--I don't think I've ever seen the itop used for bobby pins--CLEVER! :)

Lillian Child said...

I am already a follower of your delightful blog!

Lillian Child said...

LOVE the bobby pin creations! I so want to give this tool a try!

Lillian Child said...

I shared on FB !

Eliany said...

WOW! That's an awesome idea!

Jill said...

I follow your blog on google reader... Love the pins! How fun is the i-top!

Sherri said...

cute project

Sherri said...

I am a follower now

Moongirl said...

I love what you made!!!

Moongirl said...

I became a follower :)

Moongirl said...

And I posted to facebook

Chloe and Her Clip On Koalas said...

After seeing your hairclips and then scrolling through your awesome layouts (love the squishy one) I can't help but follow! Would love you to come see my unconventional use of my i-top for my McFlurry flowers. Scroll down a few posts to the McDonalds one. Thanks for a chance to win! I need one for my friend who is ALWAYS using mine! x

Chloe and Her Clip On Koalas said...

I have just reposted your giveaway on my FB challenge sharing group: Daisy Central. That will send a group of excited women your way!

Debeez Designs said...

I am one of those excited women that Chloe is on about although I would have no idea where to start with this new toy!

Shannen said...

Oooohhh! I have just discovered the Imaginisce i-top and I WANT ONE!! (I sound like a spoilt brat, huh?!) Oh, these tools are so wonderful and I love the hairclips too. Only problem is I think if I do get one, my daughters will give me a list so long, I'll never make all of what they want. But we sure will have fun playing with it non-stop! Thanks for the chance!

Lealea's chirpy layouts said...

Oooooohhhhhhh I have so dreamed of owning one of these, for sooo long. My friend Chloe above has one and I've seen what you and her have created!! Awesomeness!! Thank you for the chance to win! x

Lealea's chirpy layouts said...

I have shared with my crafty friends on FB x

Shannen said...

I have just had a good look through your blog and am your newest follower!! Wow, so much inspiration!

Amarilys said...

how wonderful! thanks for the demonstration & giveaway! I'm a follower too!

Regan said...

Oh my daughter and her friends would love for me to be able to make hair pins like this!!!

Barb Turpin said...

Already a follower - love your blog.

Barb Turpin said...

Hi Diana,
Stopped by to see your project...would love to have a chance to make my own embellies like that...thanks for the opportunity!

Jasmine said...

My niece would go CRAZY for those! They are absolutely adorable! Great work. I have been a follower for quite some time.
A {Little} Dab of Glue

Denise said...

My Granddaughters would love the bobby pins for their hair - me for pages of them. :) Thanks for sharing your blog and wonderful ideas.

Rebecca Keppel said...

I just got an i top and I love it! I havent used it with fabric yet so I was so relieved to hear circles work just fine! Those hair pins are beautiful. I'll have to get some to make for my DD --she would LOVE them :)

Jagels said...

i've been wanting one of these. love the hair pins, i think i could think of all kinds of things to make with it. thanks.

heidi said...

Those are TOO cute!!! Now I NEED an i-top to make some of these for Kins.

Jillisgram said...

Terrific projects, I must tell my daughter about them. She has an one we were suppose to share and I still haven't seen it! Thanks for the chance to win one!

Regan said...

Super cute project!! These would be so fun to make with my daughters. I can't believe I don't have one of these yet! :) TFS, Regan

Regan said...

I posted my Sketchy Thursdays Project to MrLinky! Thanks, Regan

Regan said...

I am a follower of your blog!

amy said...

Oooooo I could do so much with one of these tools. I love what you have done with it. It is something i would definately love to go in chance to win. Thanks.

Jingle said...

I follow your blog, of course! :-)

Jingle said...

I came by to see your project, too!

Nitasha said...

I happily follow your blog!

Anonymous said...

You know I'm a follower! :D

Anonymous said...

Shared on Twitter

Anonymous said...

Shared on FB :)

Anonymous said...

The hair pin idea is PERFECT! Can you imagine all those coily do's people love right now that need a bunch of pins but each with a button? It would be like you buttoned up your hair! CUTE!

DivineScrapper said...