Friday, March 18, 2011

Hey there, chick-a-dee

So, I'm on my way to a 65th birthday party this weekend for my husband's aunt. Of course husband is working, but Nate and I will be there to represent. Ready to party the night away and celebrate.

This cutie little card will be accompanying her gift, some goodies from Pier One. Who doesn't love Pier One?! :)

These stamps are from the Chick Chat set from Skipping Stones. And I also used this week's Skipping Stones sketch, which can be found HERE. I simplified it a bit, but I think the sketch is still in there somewhere, lol!

So, what is everyone up to this weekend? Here's some of what I have going on for you:

• Join me here tomorrow for a Blog Hop and a fabulous kit up for grabs from Paper Issues.
• I'll have a sketch challenge from The Sampler on Sunday.
• Saturday is the last day to play along for a chance to be April's GDT for Sketchy Thursdays.
• Today is the last day to apply for the Sketchy Thursdays DT for the next 6 months.

Lots to do if you'd like!


Kristy said...

CUTE! I love how you put the number up on the banner! And thanks for the email love ;)

Mary Hamer said...

Oh soooo cute! Love this little chickie stamp!! Have fun at your party!

Tammy said...

That is super cute! I sometimes struggle for fun ideas that aren't over-the-hill type cards. This is great with the banner - awesome idea! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the card, it's really cute.

Margie Higuchi said...

Such a fun card - love the googly eyes! LOL!! Have a great time :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I love love love love the chick!! Toooooooooo cute!! I loveeeee that banner too! Have fun this weekend! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Jingle said...

Heee! This is so cute! I plan on playing with that same set tomorrow!!! Can I steal your googly eyes idea? That is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Fun card! The chicken is too cute! :)

Sharla said...

Great card, love the chick!

Elisa K said...

OMG that is the cutest card ever... I simply adore it... thanks so much for sharing.

heidi said...

how stinkin' cute is this??!!!!!

Lea said...

Love how you put her age on the banner and love those googly eyes!!!

Wendy said...

Oh my goodness....FABULOUS!!!! This is a darling birthday card. I will probably be CASEing this. Thank you so much for playing along with Skipping Stones Design!!! Have a super weekend!

~amy~ said...

Soooo FUN!!!!! Love what you've done and the googly eyes are the icing on the card! I agree, who doesn't love Pier 1?

EverydayMe said...

such a tweet card!!! that chick is c-u-t-e!!!
{{hugs}} Michelle

Brenda said...

such a cute idea to put the number on the banner! Love it!! Thanks for playing along at SSD!