Wednesday, September 22, 2010

on my mind wednesday

This is a little sneak peek at what I have for you tomorrow, but I had a thought while I was making this page:


I have a habit of piling on the embellishments. I have a supply of foam dots and love to keep the embellies popped up and layered. While I made this page for tomorrow's Sketchy Thursdays reveal, I kept this sentence running around in my head for some strange reason.

When do I stop? When is the page finished? When will I have added just too much? What if I get way off course and nothing matches or flows anymore?

OK... talk amongst yourselves! I would love to hear your feedback on this. Do you have a rule you follow? Go with your gut? Use only matchy-matchy pieces so when you run out you know you're done? Do you use anything and everything you can get yours hands on?

Would love to hear from you! Thanks for stopping in today!


Jingle said...

Usually I keep going until I find myself taking things off. It's sort of like when you are trying to reach a certain point on a scale and you add and add and then it tips just a bit and you remove some until it is perfect!

Anonymous said...

I guess I never really thought about this before :) I guess I would say that it's a "gut feeling" for me. What Jingle said above resonates with me, too. I'm going to have to start paying more attention to my thought proceses :)

Anonymous said...

I gotta go with the gut. The Gut and I have had a few disagreements in the past but it usually wins out in the end. Ya gotta compromise sometimes bc you're stuck with your gut ;)

sarah said...

i stop when i think it's getting too busy. LOL... actually, i'm not quite sure what i think about when i do it. hehe. :)

can't wait to see tomorrow's sketch.


Polka Dot Door Designs said...

I don't have a conscious process or measure that I apply to my projects, but I definitely know whether it is "done" or not. Sometimes I will stare at a page for what feels like hours trying to figure out why it just doesn't feel right - and in the end it is often just adding or removing one small detail that takes it from "not quite" to "perfect".

Antonia Krajicek {Green Horned Unicorn} said...

I have no rhyme or reason to my madness. At some point I usually look at think, now that's done. Other times I ended up calling it done even though I don't "feel" as if it's done. Go with the flow I guess! :)

Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

I go with my gut... i used to over analyze every thing I did .... and will it really matter to Adam and Brookie in 20 years??? nope... they will love what I made.... no matter what! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Diana Waite said...

not sure....sometimes less is more, and sometimes more is more! :)

EverydayMe said...

like julie... I go with my gut.... and keep looking at it... until i think it's just right!!! sometimes less is more... and sometimes more is perfect...
{{hugs}} Michelle

Keshet said...

Gut feeling for me, too--but I generally do less is more!

Anonymous said...

I stop way too early! I wish I could get myself adding more and using some of the things I've purchased but I always want to save them!

Amanda Sevall said...

I go by my gut. Sometimes I stop too soon and sometimes too late. What can I say... I'm my own worst critic!! :)