Wednesday, April 28, 2010

we love spring!

In spring, our front garden blooms with tulips of so many different colors. It looks so pretty! Nate can't help but jump into the garden and play. And, of course, I had my camera right there to snap some pictures of him enjoying the garden!

Keeping with the spirit of the week, this page was made with the May kit from Scrapbook Circle. I just LOVE this kit! All of the colors and patterns are right up my alley!

This kit goes on sale May 1! Which is National Scrapbook Day, so I think it's only right that you spend some money on scrapbook supplies... just on account of the holiday, right?! :) Why not get yourself one of these great kits!


Julie Tucker-Wolek said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love love love this Diana!!! I loveeeeeeeeeeee those photos and those FLOWERS!!!! GORGEOUS!:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

Tessa Buys said...

Your banner is fantastic! I love that! I'm so excited to get this kit, too. I already have pictures picked out :).

Melissa said...

Love the flowers and that's a clever change of pace from the triangle penants!! I am definately going to scraplift this. Very nice indeed.

Audrey Yeager said...

I love what you did with your scallop punch on this LO! That banner is adorable and I loved the petals on the flowers.

And I want to thank you for justifying why I should spend money on scrappy supplies this week! :)

connie said...

I love the flowers and banner!

Jingle said...

This is so super cute!!!

Diana Joy said...

Cute layout. Love the banner; one could create that on their own...I will. Thanks for the inspiration.

heidi said...

so pretty!

sarah said...

what a fun and PRETTY layout! this kit looks scrumptious.


Anonymous said...

GOSH! Inspirational is not even a good enough word! Love it!

Tracy said...

Very cute layout.

lisaplus6 said...

this is so pretty! i really love how you used the NS button and the banner is so sweet! beautiful work!!!!!

Keshet said...

Love that banner, Diana! Gorgeous!

lauren bergold said...

this is *WONDERFUL*...and yes, quite enabling! :) i especially love the very creative "foldy bits" you've done on the banner, the leaves and those awesome pinwheel flowers! ♥♥♥ (oh yeah & the pics aren't bad, either, lol!!!)